MEETING AND GREETING About the animation... The animation 'Meeting and Greeting' was created in August 1995 for a contest running in a belgian magazine (CM). I finally got disqualified because they couldn't read one of my disks. (They probably tried to read it in an 5 1/4 inch drive.) We never saw the winning animations, nor the CD-ROM with the animations they promised to give to all contestants. So I dicided to offer this animation to a good magazine (PC Format), hoping they'd publish it. If you read this,it happened and I'll be happy I can finally free those 40 MB of precious harddisk space. About me... I just finished my studies as engineer in computer science and guess what. I'm passionate about computer animation and hope to find some job, somewhere around the world that has something to do with it (and not just putting them on CD-ROM). I'd be really happy to move anywhere I can experience real life computer ani- mation from the technical AND creative point of view. I'd even pay you if your company name happens to be shortened as I.L.M. About the animation and me... Don't judge me to hard. This is not what I can. This is what I can with one 486 PC, in two weeks, while doing my final exams at the university. About me again (narcissist)... You can contact me at: Schoenmaekers Raf Doffen 11 2250 Olen Belgium Tel +32 14 21 39 63 Fax +32 14 21 79 90